Yunzhen Feng

No. 5 Yiheyuan Road, Beijing, China.


Research Experiences

Research Assistant(2019.02 - Present)
At Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research(BICMR).
Advised by Prof. Bin Dong.
Mainly on adversarial robustness, generalization theory, and NeuralODE. We have proposed a generalization error estimate from Neural ODE perspective and have explained properties of adversarial examples via neural tangent kernel. Currently we are considering the influence on model robustness of injecting different randomness in model and training process.

Other Course Projects



Academic Excellence Award(5%) in 2019,
Meritorious Award for MCM/ICM (top 9%) in 2019,
The elite undergraduate training program of Applied Math 2019-present(top 15%),
The elite undergraduate training program of Pure Math 2018-present,
China Mathematics Olympiad, Gold Medal(same level as USAMO), 2016,
China Mathematics Competition, First Place in Beijing, 2016,
International Space Settlement Design Competition, Finalist, 2016,
NSS Space Settlement Design Contest, Top Prize for Grade 10, 2015.